The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land Realms
The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land is a personal union is the combination of 4 states that have the same monarch while their boundaries, laws, and interests federation and a unitary state, a central (federal) government spanning all member states exists, with the degree of self-governance distinguishing the two. Marie Byrdians are ruled by a mostly-benevolent King, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.
The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land Realms are considered "equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the Crown" and the monarch is "equally, officially, and explicitly monarch] of separate, autonomous realms of the The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land".
The United Kingdom of Getz Ice Shelf
The United Kingdom Of Getz Ice Shelf Is a union of The Kingdoms of Grant Island and Dean Island and is a Absolute monarchy: is
The Head of State
The United Kingdom Of Getz Ice Shelf
The Crown representative
H.M Governor General for The United Kingdom of Getz Ice Shelf
H.M Government of UK of Getz Ice Shelf
The Chief Minister
Secretary of State for The United Kingdom of Getz Ice Shelf
Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom of Getz Ice Shelf
Under Secretary of State for The Kingdom of Grant Island
Under Secretary of State for The Kingdom of Dean Island
Under Secretary of State for The principality of Shepard & Foster Islands
Secretary of State for Justice and Legal Affairs of The United Kingdom of Getz Ice Shelf
Secretary of State for Culture, National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace of The United Kingdom of Getz Ice Shelf
Auditor General & Keeper of the Records of the United Kingdom of Getz Ice Shelf
The United Kingdom Of Getz Ice Shelf has
a Legislative council are appointed House by the Monarch to give advise to the Monarch.

The United Kingdom of Marshall Archipelago
The United Kingdom Of Marshall Archipelago is a Absolute monarchy.
The Head of State
The United Kingdom Of Marshall Archipelago
The Crown representative
H.M Governor General :
H.M Government of UK of Marshall Archipelago
The Chief Minister
Secretary of State
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Secretary of State for Justice and Legal Affairs
Secretary of State for Culture, National Unity, Reconciliation and Peace
Auditor General & Keeper of the Records
The United Kingdom Of Marshall Archipelago has
a Legislative council are appointed House by the Monarch to give advise to the Monarch.
The United Kingdom of Marie Byrd
The United Kingdom Of Marie Byrd is a Absolute monarchy.
The Head of State
The United Kingdom Of Marie Byrd
The Crown representative
H.M Governor General :

The Special administrative regions of The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land
The Crown representative
H.M Governor General for The Special administrative regions of The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land