His Majesty's Government
The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land
The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land is a Micronation under an Absolute monarchy. King Terrance I is the monarch and head of state of The Commonwealth as well as monarch of Three other independent Commonwealth nations.
The H.M Government of The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land are split in to four areas:
The Crown
Grate Offices of Sate - Ministers of the Crown
The Cabinet - The Crown Commissioners
Government Ministries
The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land
The Constitution of The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land is uncodified and consists mostly of a collection of disparate written sources, including statutes, judge-made case law and Special Administrative Region
The Government of the Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land, domestically referred to as His Majesty's Government, is the central government of The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land
The government is led by the prime minister who selects all the other ministers for appointment by The Crown . The prime minister and their most senior ministers belong to the supreme decision-making committee, known as the Crown commission.
The Parliament
Crown commissioners are responsible to the House in which they sit; they make statements in that House and take questions from members of that House. For most senior Crown commissioners this is usually the Grate Offices of State rather than the House of Lords or house of Ovens. The government is dependent on Parliament to make primary legislation,
The Parliaments Rights to Pass legislation are ​
to pass measures dealing with the government of the Micronation and its institutions,​
to approve the Laws and make other rules and regulations through Acts of Parliament,
to regulate relations with other Micronations after Royal Assent has been Given,
to consider and express their opinion on any other matters of religious or public interest, and
to approve or reject the annual budget of the Government & Parliament with Royal Assent.