The Crown Commission Cabinet
For Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land
His Majesty's Crown Commission Cabinet Is The executive branch of government. Executive powers are exercised by the Monarch, advised by the Crown Commissioners .
The Monarch is the chair of the Commission may appoint and dismiss the members of the Commission to act as, Crown Commissioners and are officers of the executive government.
The Cabinet shall ensure the immediate civilian, democratic, transparent, and efficient exercise of its powers. It shall involve to the extent possible the public with policy and ensure open government. The Cabinet is the executive power in Commonwealth territories.
Crown Commissioners
The members of the Cabinet of Crown Commissioners are :
Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land - HRH The Duke of Begley
Crown Commissioner For The Commonwealth of Marie Byrd Land - Interregnum
Crown Commissioner For The UK of Getz Ice Shelf - Governor General of The United Kingdom of Getz Ice Shelf
Crown Commissioner For The SAR of The Commonwealth - Governor General of The Special administrative region
Crown Commissioner For The UK of Marshall Archipelago - Governor General of The United Kingdom of Marshall Archipelago
Crown Commissioner For The UK of Marie Byrd - Baron of Dean MB
Crown Commissioner For Commonwealth Affairs - Baron of Edmionds MB
Crown Commissioner For Foreign Affairs of the Commonwealth - Baron of Mayhew MB
Crown Commissioner For H.M. Treasury - Interregnum
Crown Commissioner For The Royal College of Justice - Interregnum (Lord High Chancellor)
Crown Commissioner For National Security of the Commonwealth - General M Baron of Jones
Crown Commissioner For Cabinet Office & Auditor General - Baron of Burton MB