King Terrance I

His Majesty the King enjoys travel, Music also owns a small online media outlet. His Majesty the King attend Bishop gore School Swansea and Swansea College where His Majesty the King was elected Student Union President and then attend The University College Birmingham in 2008 to 2009 and University of Wales Trinity Saint David’s Swansea in 2013 to 2016. His Majesty the King founded Real Terryo Group in 2012 with his trusted and loyal servant and most senior advisor and confidant His Royal Highness Prince Terence Duke of Begley
His Majesty the King is a believer in the rights of the citizen and then of the rule of law.
His Majesty the King also suffers from dyspraxia dyslexia and dyscalculia depression, Anxiety and further believes that we all can sussed it just takes time.
Royal Collection Photograph Taken in 2004

The Personal seal of a reigning monarch or Known as The Privy seal