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Writer's pictureTerry Davies

The Book: Tinker tinker soldier Priest - Seeing the Glory of God at he local Polytechnic

Title: Seeing the Glory of God at he local Polytechnic


· Father John Jones: the priest of the church 

· Mrs. Smith: The Church Warden

· The Pro Vice Chancellor

·  Sheila Student Union President

·   Herbert The Music Director

The scene opens with Father John Jones and Mrs. Smith, the church warden, walking through the gates of the local university. Father John is dressed in a multicolored shirt, a clergy collar, a leather jacket, and sunglasses. Mrs. Smith is wearing a conservative skirt and blouse.]

Father John Jones: [excitedly] Mrs. Smith, can you feel the energy in the air? This is going to be such an amazing opportunity for our church.

Mrs. Smith: [worriedly] I hope so, Father John. But I must admit, I'm a bit nervous. We've never done anything like this before.

Father John Jones: [putting a hand on her shoulder] Don't worry, Mrs. Smith. We'll be fine. And look, here comes the Pro Vice Chancellor.

[The Pro Vice Chancellor approaches them, smiling warmly.]

Pro Vice Chancellor: Father John, it's a pleasure to meet you. And you must be Mrs. Smith?

Mrs. Smith: [nervously] Yes, that's right.

Pro Vice Chancellor: [reassuringly] Don't worry, Mrs. Smith. We're very excited to have Father John as our new part-time chaplain. And we're looking forward to seeing what kind of spiritual community he can build on campus.


Father John Jones: [grinning] Thank you, Pro Vice Chancellor. And speaking of building community, have you had a chance to meet the Student Union President, Sheila?

Pro Vice Chancellor: [nodding] Yes, we've had a few meetings. Sheila is a very passionate advocate for the students. I think you'll find her to be a valuable ally.

[Father John and Mrs. Smith turn to see Sheila walking towards them.]

Sheila: [smiling] Father John, it's great to finally meet you. I'm so excited to see what kind of worship services we can put together on campus.

Father John Jones: [nodding] Yes, I've been thinking about that too. In fact, I was hoping to hold a contemporary worship service to kick things off. And speaking of which, I think it's time to head over to the auditorium.

Cut to the auditorium, where Father John and Mrs. Smith are sitting in the front row, watching as

Hubert, the music director of St. Mark's Anglican Church, swings from a chandelier dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, with a guitar around his back.]

Mrs. Smith: [whispering to Father John] Is this really appropriate for a worship service, Father?

Father John Jones: [grinning] Oh, don't worry, Mrs. Smith. Hubert is just getting the students excited. And look at them, they're all having such a good time.

[Cut to the end of the service, where Father John is standing at the front of the stage, thanking the students for coming.]

Father John Jones: [smiling] I want to thank everyone for coming out tonight. This was just the beginning of what I hope will be a long and fruitful partnership between our church and this university. And I want to thank Hubert for his amazing performance. I never knew you could swing from a chandelier like that, my friend.

[The crowd cheers, and Hubert takes a bow.]

Mrs. Smith: [shaking her head] I don't know what's gotten into Hubert. He's never acted like that before.

Father John Jones: [laughing] I think he's just excited to try something new. And you know what they say, Mrs. Smith. Variety is the spice of life.



The Next instalment will be Published on 22nd July at 12 PM UK Time

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