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Writer's pictureTerry Davies

The Book: Tinker tinker soldier Priest - The Bishop's Visit

Title: The Bishop's Visit


·Father John, the Anglican priest

·Mrs. Jones, Mr. Brown, members of the church congregation

Bishop Andrew, the visiting bishop


Setting: The Anglican church during a bishop's visit It's an exciting day at St. Mark's Anglican Church, as Bishop Andrew is coming for a visit. Father John has been busy preparing for the big day, while Mrs. Jones and Mr. Brown are eager to meet the bishop.

Father John: (nervously) Is everything ready for Bishop Andrew's visit?

Mrs. Jones: (smiling) Don't worry, Father. The altar is gleaming, the choir is rehearsing, and the tea and scones are being prepared.

Mr. Brown: (jokingly) And don't forget the red carpet we've laid out for the bishop's arrival.

Just then, the bishop's car pulls up outside the church.

Father John: (excitedly) Here he is! Everyone, let's give him a warm welcome.

As Bishop Andrew enters the church, the choir sings a hymn of welcome, and the congregation greets him with applause.

Bishop Andrew: (smiling) Thank you, thank you. It's wonderful to be here at St. Mark's. Father John, you have a lovely church.

Father John: (proudly) Thank you, Bishop. We try our best.

Mrs. Jones: (curiously) Bishop Andrew, can I ask you a question?

Bishop Andrew: (nodding) Of course, Mrs. Jones. What's on your mind?

Mrs. Jones: (hesitantly) Well, I was just wondering... do bishops wear special underwear?

Mr. Brown: (surprised) Mrs. Jones! That's not an appropriate question to ask the bishop!

Bishop Andrew: (laughing) It's alright, Mr. Brown. I'm happy to answer. And the answer is no, we don't wear special underwear.

Father John: (chuckling) I think Mrs. Jones has been watching too much TV.

Mrs. Jones: (embarrassed) I'm sorry, Bishop. It was just something I heard.

Bishop Andrew: (smiling) No need to apologize, Mrs. Jones. I'm always happy to clear up any misunderstandings about the church.

As the bishop continues his visit, Father John breathes a sigh of relief, knowing that everything is going smoothly.

Father John: (whispering to himself) Thank goodness Mrs. Jones didn't ask about the pope's hat.

And so, Bishop Andrew's visit to St. Mark's Anglican Church was a success, with no further awkward questions from the congregation.

As he left the church, Bishop Andrew promised to visit again soon, and Father John knew that the church would be ready to welcome him with open arms - and no inappropriate questions.





The Next instalment will be Published on 1st July at 12 PM UK Time

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