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Writer's pictureTerry Davies

The Book: Tinker tinker soldier Priest - The Church Committee Meeting

Title: The Church Committee Meeting


Father John, the head of the church committee

Mrs. Jenkins, a member of the committee

Sir. Thompson, a member of the committee

Mrs. Brown, a member of the committee

Setting: A church committee meeting

(Father John enters the room and takes his seat at the head of the table)

Father John: Good evening, everyone. Thank you for coming to tonight's church committee meeting. Our first order of business is the upcoming church bazaar. Mrs. Jenkins, can you give us an update on the planning?

Mrs. Jenkins: Well, Reverend, we've got everything under control. The bake sale is going to be a real treat this year. We've got Mrs. Brown making her famous lemon bars, Sir. Thompson is bringing his delicious apple pie, and I'm making my specialty, chocolate chip cookies.

Sir. Thompson: (grinning) You know what they say, Reverend. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Mrs. Brown: (rolling her eyes) Oh, Mr. Thompson. You're such a joker.

Reverend Father John: (smiling) Yes, indeed. Now, let's move on to the next item on the agenda. We need to discuss the new choir robes. Mrs. Jenkins, I believe you had some thoughts on this?

Mrs. Jenkins: Yes, Reverend. I've been doing some research, and I think we should go with a bright, eye-catching color for the robes. Something that really stands out and makes a statement.

Sir. Thompson: (chuckling) I don't think we want our choir members to look like clowns, Mrs. Jenkins.

Mrs. Jenkins: (indignantly) Well, I never! I think it's important to bring some joy and excitement to our church services.

Mrs. Brown: (smiling) Perhaps we could compromise and go with a more subtle shade, like a deep blue or green?

Father John: (nodding) I think that's a good idea, Mrs. Brown. Now, onto the last item on the agenda. We need to discuss the upcoming Easter service.

Sir. Thompson: (excitedly) Oh, I love Easter! The Easter bunny, the Easter eggs...

Father John: (interrupting) Sir. Thompson, Easter is about the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. It's a time for reflection and renewal.

Mrs. Jenkins: (chiming in) Of course, Reverend. But we can still have a little fun, can't we? How about we organize an Easter egg hunt for the children?

Mrs. Brown: (nodding) Yes, that's a lovely idea. And we could have a special Easter service with some uplifting music.

Reverend Father John: (smiling) Wonderful suggestions, everyone. It's important to balance the solemnity of the occasion with some joy and celebration. Now, I think we've covered everything on the agenda for tonight. Thank you for your contributions, and let's continue to work together to make our church a welcoming and vibrant community.

(Everyone nods and gets up from the table. As they leave the room, Sir. Thompson puts on a pair of bunny ears and hops out, making everyone laugh.)



The Next instalment will be Published on 10th June at 12 PM UK Time

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