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Writer's pictureTerry Davies

The Book: (Tinker tinker soldier Priest)

Have you wondered where I have been the last few months so? If you're looking for some fresh, comedic content with a touch of community and church life, then I have some exciting news for you! Over the past few months, I've been working on a book that captures the essence of all these things, and although I'm not quite ready to publish it yet, I've decided to share some of the original ideas that inspired the book with you.

I've sent copies of the book to a few close friends for feedback, but for the real Terryo experience, I'll share some of the plots and shorter chapter stories in the form of podcast or TV show series scripts. Each week for the next few weeks, I'll be uploading a new instalment, so stay tuned.

This book has been a labour of love for me, and I can't wait to share some of its humour and heart with you. While I won't give away the ending just yet, I can promise that it'll be worth the wait. So, join me on this journey as we explore the joys and quirks of community life and church culture together.


The Named characters

· Father John Jones: the priest of the church

· Father Albert Stevens: The last Priest in the parish.

· Rev Canon Smith: Area Dean and Rector of the Parish of 50

· Bishop Andrew, The Diocesan Bishop.

· Bishop James, Archdeacon & The Assistant Diocesan Bishop· Mrs. Smith, the churchwarden

· Mr. Smith, The churchWarden's Husband

· Tom, the altar server

· Mildred The Sacristan

· Mrs. Jenkins, a member of the Committee

· Sir. Thompson, a member of the Committee

· Mrs. Brown, a member of the Committee

· Simon, the verger

· Herbert The Music Director

· The choir (composed of parishioners)

· Susan: a parishioner

· The Church Council of St Marks



A typical Anglican church with a pulpit, pews, stained-glass windows, and a choir and alter Servers named St. Mark’s Anglican Church has 2 Side Chapels. Walking up to the church, you notice a Spired Towe. The Church is located within a busy city centre.


The intro about the Church and Priests

Narrator: St. Mark's has undergone a significant transformation and faced various challenges in recent times. The Reverend Albert Stevens, who is portrayed as a bumbling and ineffective local team vicar, has been a regular character in the church. His attempts to conduct church services usually end in disaster, and his laborious wit often causes chaos in the lives of those around him.

Marion, the rector's sister, left with Rev. Albert to explore New Age philosophies in Oxford, but their experiment didn't last long. When she returned home to her brother's Area Dean’s House, Rev. Albert was still struggling with a crisis of faith. He had come to the realisation that his attempts at spiritual and peacekeeping interventions in Oxford had been largely unsuccessful.

The tensions between the rich Tory, guardian newspaper readers, and local Mirror newspaper readers came to a head during one of Rev. Albert's sermons on the sermon on the mount. A fight broke out during the Sunday service, leading the parish to pay him to take a year-long sabbatical to travel and find himself.

In Rev. Albert's absence, the parish hired a new parish priest, Father John, who would take over the reins of St. Mark's. It remains to be seen what changes Father John will bring to the parish, but it is clear that St. Mark's has been through some tumultuous times.

[The scene opens with the Anglican Church Area Dean, Reverend Cannon Smith, Marion’s Brother. Standing outside the church, waiting for the new priest to arrive. The sound of a motorbike can be heard in the distance.]

Reverend Smith: [to himself] I wonder if that's him.

[As the sound gets closer, a motorbike pulls up to the church. The rider removes their helmet to reveal the new priest, Reverend Jones.]

Reverend Jones: [smiling] Hello, Reverend Smith! I hope I'm not too late.

Reverend Smith: [surprised] Oh, no, not at all! I wasn't expecting you to arrive on a motorbike.

Reverend Jones: [laughing] Yes, well, I like to make an entrance.

Reverend Smith: [smiling] Well, you certainly did that. Shall we go inside and have a cup of tea?

[The two walk inside the church and sit down at a table with a pot of tea and some biscuits.]

Reverend Smith: [pouring tea] So, Reverend Jones, tell me a bit about yourself.

Reverend Jones: [taking a biscuit] Well, I've been a priest for ten years now, and I've served in a few different parishes. I'm excited to be here and get to know the community.

Reverend Smith: [nodding] That's great to hear. We're a small but tight-knit community here, and I'm sure you'll fit right in.

[As they chat, the sound of a motorbike can be heard outside. Reverend Jones looks out the window and sees Reverend Smith driving off on his motorbike.]

Reverend Jones: [to himself] Well, that's one way to make an exit.

[The scene ends with Reverend Jones laughing and shaking his head in amusement.]

Narrator: the wardens introduce Father John to Bishop James the Archdeacon and Assistant bishop. As The Area Dean Left on Fathers Johns Harley Davidson motorcycle to start the long Trek around his 50 parish churches not knowing if he is coming of going but aided with his trusty Bible and Stow in hand and a helmet on his Head and Zooms off doing 30 in a 20 mile per road as he’s running very late and need to be across the City in a 20 mins. Father John meets the wardens and church council.

This is Aided by music from the church Choir standing in front of Balloons spelling out Welcome while the Verger Simon is tidying away the balloons and Spelling Goodbye into the cupboard.

[The scene opens with the Anglican Church Bishop, Bishop James, standing at the altar of the church, ready to welcome the new priest, Reverend Jones.]

Bishop James: [clearing his throat] Good morning, everyone. As you know, we are gathered here today to welcome our new priest, Reverend Jones.

[The congregation applauds as Reverend Jones enters the church and walks up to the altar to stand next to Bishop James.]

Bishop James: [smiling] Reverend Jones, it's a pleasure to have you here. I understand you've been a priest for ten years now. Can you tell us a bit about your background?

Reverend Jones: [smiling] Thank you, Bishop James. Yes, I've been a priest for ten years, and I've served in a few different parishes. I'm excited to be here and get to know the community.

Bishop James: [nodding] We're excited to have you here as well. I know you'll do great things for this parish.

[The service continues, with Reverend Jones leading the congregation in prayer and song. As they finish up, Bishop James approaches Reverend Jones with a mischievous grin on his face.]

Bishop James: [whispering] Reverend Jones, I have a surprise for you.

Reverend Jones: [curious] Oh?

Bishop James: [motioning to a group of musicians standing in the back of the church] We've arranged for a special performance for you to celebrate your arrival.

[The musicians start playing a lively tune as Bishop James and Reverend Jones join in, dancing and laughing with the congregation.]

Reverend Jones: [laughing] Bishop James, I had no idea you were such a good dancer!

Bishop James: [laughing] Oh, I have a few moves up my sleeve.

[The scene ends with the congregation and Bishop James and Reverend Jones dancing and celebrating together, creating a joyous and welcoming atmosphere for Reverend Jones.]

Top of Form

Narrator: Reverend Jones begins to introduce himself to the congregation, and he goes on to explain how he has spent his ten years as a priest serving in various parishes. He talks about his passion for working with the community and how he hopes to continue to do so in St Mark's Anglican Church. As he speaks, the congregation listens intently, nodding in agreement and welcoming him with warm smiles.

After his introduction, Mrs. Smith, the churchwarden, steps forward to welcome Reverend Jones on behalf of the congregation.

Mrs. Smith: [smiling] Reverend Jones, on behalf of the congregation of St Mark's, I would like to welcome you to our church. We are so pleased to have you here, and we look forward to working with you.

Reverend Jones: [smiling] Thank you, Mrs. Smith. I'm excited to be here, and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

As the congregation begins to chat and mingle, Reverend Jones takes the opportunity to introduce himself to some of the parishioners. He meets Susan, a friendly woman who tells him about her involvement in the church choir. He also meets Tom, one of the altar servers, who is keen to learn more about Reverend Jones' plans for the church.

Reverend Jones: [smiling] Tom, I'm so glad to hear that you're interested in getting involved. I think we can work together to make some positive changes here at St Mark's.

Tom: [grinning] That sounds great, Reverend. I'm excited to see what we can do together.

As Reverend Jones continues to chat with the parishioners, Herbert, the music director, approaches him.

Herbert: [smiling] Reverend Jones, I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to St Mark's. I'm excited to work with you and see what we can achieve with the music program.

Reverend Jones: [smiling] Thank you, Herbert. I'm looking forward to working with you too.

As the congregation begins to make their way out of the church, Reverend Jones takes a moment to reflect on the warm welcome he has received.

Reverend Jones: [to himself] I feel so blessed to be here at St Mark's. I can't wait to see what we can achieve together.

[The scene ends with Reverend Jones smiling and looking out over the church, ready to start his new journey as the priest of St Mark's Anglican Church.]


The Next instalment will be Published on 20th May at 12 PM UK Time  

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