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Writer's pictureTerry Davies

The Book: Tinker tinker soldier Priest - The Virtue of Patience

Title: The Virtue of Patience


· Father John: the priest of St marks Anglican church

· Man

· Child that makes Funny Faces

Scene: In the solemn sanctuary of St mark's church, on a peaceful Sunday morning, the congregation gathered to listen to Father John's sermon. The air was filled with a sense of reverence as Father John delivered his words of wisdom. However, amidst the tranquillity, an unexpected interruption unfolded. From the back row, a man suddenly leapt up, his voice booming with a joyous exclamation.

Man: “Hallelujah! Praise Jesus! I’ve been healed!”

[Father John looks surprised but continues with his sermon. The man continues shouting and dancing around the back row.]

Father John: “Brother, I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better, but please take a seat and let us continue with the service.”

Man: “No, no, no! You don’t understand! I was suffering from a serious condition, but I prayed to Jesus, and now I’m cured!”

[The man runs up to the front of the church and starts doing cartwheels and somersaults.]

Father John: [Sighing] “Okay, let’s take a moment to thank God for this man’s healing.”

[The congregation starts clapping and thanking God, but suddenly the man trips over his own feet and falls down the stairs leading up to the pulpit. The entire congregation gasps.]

Man: [Groaning] “I think I need a different kind of healing now…”

[Father John rushes to the man’s side to check on him.]

Father John: “Don’t worry, brother, we’ll call an ambulance. Just try to stay calm.”

Man: “I’m sorry, Priest. I guess I got a little carried away.”

Father John: “It’s alright. We’ve all been there.”

[The ambulance arrives and takes the man away. The priest returns to the pulpit.]

Father John: “Now, where was I? Oh yes, let’s talk about the importance of patience…”

[As Father John continues with his sermon, a small child in the front row starts making silly faces and gestures behind him, causing the entire congregation to struggle to contain their laughter.]

Father John: [Smiling] “I think I’m going to need some patience myself to get through this sermon.”

[The congregation erupts into laughter, and the service continues with a light-hearted tone. Even the priest can’t help but chuckle at the antics of the child in the front row.]

The end.


The Next instalment will be Published on 27th May at 12 PM UK Time

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