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Writer's pictureTerry Davies

The Book: Tinker tinker soldier Priest - The Church Bake Sale

Title: The Church Bake Sale


Father John, the Anglican priest

·Mrs. Jenkins, a member of the church congregation

Mr. Smith, a member of the church congregation


Setting: The church hall during a bake sale

Narrator: It's a busy day at St. Mark’s Anglican Church as the congregation gathers for their annual bake sale. Father John is overseeing the event, while Mrs. Jenkins and Mr. Smith are busy selling delicious treats to the eager customers.

Mrs. Jenkins: (holding up a tray of cupcakes) Come and get your cupcakes! They're divine!

Mr. Smith: (holding up a pie) And don't forget our famous apple pie! Made with love by the ladies of the church.

Father John: (smiling) It's wonderful to see everyone coming together to support our church. I'm sure we'll raise a lot of money for our charity.

Suddenly, a man bursts into the hall, carrying a large box.

Man: Father John! Father John! You won't believe what I found in the basement!

Father John: (curious) What is it?

Man: (grinning) A stash of vintage wine! And I mean, really vintage. From the 1800s!

Mrs. Jenkins: (horrified) Oh, Father John, we can't sell wine in the church hall! What will people think?

Mr. Smith: (excited) But think of the money we could make! We could sell the bottles for a fortune!

Father John: (thinking) Hmm, I see your point, Mr. Smith. But we have to consider our reputation. And besides, it's not exactly ethical to sell alcohol in a church.

Mrs. Jenkins: (nodding) Yes, Father John. We don't want to be seen as a bunch of boozers.

Man: (disappointed) Well, I guess I'll have to find another way to make a quick buck.

Father John: (smiling) Don't worry, my friend. We'll find another way to raise money for our charity. Perhaps we could organize a sponsored walk or a fun run?

Mr. Smith: (rolling his eyes) Oh, Father John. You're such a traditionalist.

Mrs. Jenkins: (laughing) But that's why we love you, Father.

Narrator: And so, the church bake sale continued, with plenty of cakes, cookies, and pies on offer. The vintage wine remained safely in the basement, and Father John was content knowing that the church had raised money in a morally sound way. After all, as the saying goes, "Man cannot live by bread alone. But cupcakes? That's another story."




The Next instalment will be Published on 17th June at 12 PM UK Time

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