Bong Games News wanted to pay tribute to Andrew Sachs, the much loved Fawlty Towers actor, dies aged 86 by adding a Special Fawlty Towers All time Favorite video. Andrew Sachs, the actor who rose to fame in Fawlty Towers, has died at the age of 86 after a four-year battle with dementia. The actor, best known for playing hapless Spanish waiter Manuel in John Cleese's sitcom, passed away in a care home last week, his wife has revealed. Melody Sachs, who cared for him in his final years, disclosed he had suffered vascular dementia, losing his capacity to speak and write in later life. She said: "He had the best life and the best death you could ever have." Sachs won a place in the nation's hearts for his role in Fawlty Towers,where he played a clueless Spanish waiter who became the butt of John Cleese's jokes. So we at Bong Games News have picked out our 3 Best Manuel Moments.
I Know Nothing! - Fawlty Towers
Manuel Practices His English - Fawlty Towers - BBC
Manuel Mans the Phones - Fawlty Towers - BBC