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Writer's pictureTerry Davies

Around The World Today Series 5 Episode 3

Updated: Aug 21

FEB 2022 Around The World Today Series 5 Episode2 By Terry D

Hello and Welcome to Series 5, Episode 3 of Around the World to Day with me, Terry D.

Terry Talks about World Radio Day and thought his time reflecting on what God is calling him to do he noticed some crossovers with Unesco World Radio Day.

In 2021 World Radio days slogan was

No matter who you are.

No matter where you are.

#Radio brings us all together!

and this World Radio Day is thus devoted to "Radio and Trust".


Ways to Listen


I wrote this Week after watching some classic Comedy Dads Army this

"I don't know what But The Isle of Barra in the Outer Hebrides described by Private Frazer in Dads army sounds like a "wild and lonely" and an apparently "desolate and bleak" place for a Person to go on an Awsome Retreat from life. he just sells it so well and then comes back with a fresh outlook! as then you Can feel what people with Mental Health or Neurological Disorders and even Disability, in General, feel every day but there like Private Frazer there is Hope his hope was to get out of the "wild and lonely" and an apparently "desolate and bleak" place ours is that people just understand rather than Judgement!".

from the song played in the podcast and from reading and watching current events internationally and at home in the UK life feels like the world is in a "wild and lonely" and to some a "desolate and bleak" place.

Radio continues one of the most trusted and accessible media in the world, according to different international reports. The theme of the 2022 edition of World Radio Day is thus devoted to "Radio and Trust".

this led me to think back to last year to the Theme of the diversity of the world and radio and the strapline

No matter who you are.

No matter where you are.

#Radio brings us all together!     

well back to my Bible and being a follower of Jesus Christ and that Hymn that I play and this one bit just keeps coming back to me.

"Every giant will fall, the mountains will move

Every chain of the past, You've broken in two

Over fear, over lies, we're singing the truth

That nothing is impossible with You".

so listening to this song remind me of the Hope that we all really need right now even if you are the person still afraid of leaving your House because of Covid or the person at feeling at breaking point and in a Mental health Criess or even right now lives is going your way and you are afraid of a Relapse


or even the Person who tonight as I write this is sleeping in a shop doorway or a person living right now on the Border of Ukraine and Russia Border or the person who is feeling like they are living under a totalitarian Government dictatorship.

Like Radio Emmanuel, Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ unties us and breaks the bonds of the past by just being himself.

in John 3:16-17 we are reminded that Jesus Christ "is a gift of love from the Father for the salvation of the world". but one of the gifts the Gift we were sent from God was the Holy Eucharist so for those non-Christians the Holy Eucharist, also called Holy Communion or Lord's Supper, in Christianity, ritual commemoration of Jesus' Last Supper with his disciples. The Eucharist (from the Greek eucharistia for “thanksgiving”) is the central act of Christian worship and is practised by most Christian churches in some form.

Within the Christian faith, the beginnings lay with the Last Supper with this being central to Jesus’ ministry taken this in the context of meals being important to break down barriers so tax-collectors and sinners share a meal at Jesus table. According to Day & Gordon -Taylor (2013) “within the gospel of Luke chapter 15 it describes to eat and drink with Jesus is to repent and embrace the kingdom”. The Last Supper is described in gospels with the expectation of the Gospel of John describes the last supper to be a Passover meal with it being held at Passover time of the year. For Christian’s the meal has been seen to be dominated by the Holy Eucharist with the meal element of the service as taken shape as more symbolic importance with the Bread and Wine.

At the last supper, Jesus gave thanks over the wine and bread and used the words to describe the bread as his body and the wine as his blood and foretold his own sacrificial death he commanded his disciples to in remembrance of him.

So to my Self in a time where Chruchs are moving online and trying to come up with that perfect line to get bums on seats shall we change last years World Radio Slogan a Little bit and Remember this

No matter who you are.

No matter where you are.

Jesus brings us all together!  

This World Radio Day UNESCO invites all radio stations worldwide to celebrate the 11th World Radio Day and to share information about their relevant activities through the online form available at: 

Proclaimed in 2011 by the Member States of UNESCO, and adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2012 as an International Day, February 13 became World Radio Day (WRD).

What UNESCO is doing by trying to unite a world is sharing stories and connecting the world all though we are Different Like Christ radio does not care who and where you are from. again back to the Eucharist, there is a part of their Service called their Sharing of the Peace I Love this bit

This is where I normally just offer any disagreements up to god and Give the world and the People my Peace I cant and Do not Hold Grudges.

Where the Priest will say the words Christ Said: In Johns Gospel 14-27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid".

So in this world, it gives me hope for the world hope that the world will stop and think and take time Second maybe pray may be a world leader should pick up a holy book.

So for me this Radio Day I am joining Unesco in hoping for "Radio and Trust". and uniting the world with Radio and I will also be Praying for the World but did you know as a person of faith we have only one weapon in our Arsenal and that is Prayer and our Battle cry is not the sound of Bombs or tanks but LOVE. Tomorrow is The Feast day of Saint Valentine you may know it as Valentines Day. a DAY FOR LOVE. and a Day not to visit the bank manager but a Day to visit your Local Parish Priest Get that Wedding Booked in for next year!

Saint Valentine was martyred on February 14 AD 269. The Feast of Saint Valentine, also known as Saint Valentine's Day, was established by Pope Gelasius I in AD 496 to be celebrated on February 14 in honour of the Christian martyr. Saint Valentine shows his love for God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit by his martyrdom and he honours him by giving his life for God and his love for God by Celbating LOVE and Love is our battle cry which Means Prayer is our weapon. and that weapon is the most powerful over has a wave of Prayer can Move mountains. and that is why

"Every giant will fall, the mountains will move

Every chain of the past, You've broken in two

Over fear, over lies, we're singing the truth

That nothing is impossible"

but do not get me wrong I'm not saying that just work sometimes we need to be a little more practical and that means a little work on our part but this can be hard Lord I Know this. but by showing Love using our battle cry and that weapon for good and not evil and softening our hearts and keeping truthful we as Christians should want to really support this great course of Radio and Trust. as like Christ

No matter who you are.

No matter where you are.

#Radio brings us all together!

SO I offer this Prayer for the World and the World Of Unesco's World Radio Day!

Heavenly Father who sent your loving begotten son to your Creation to make Every giant will fall, and to move mountains and
to Every chain of the past in two Over fear, over lies, we’re singing the truth This World Radio Day we ask that you grant us peace and understanding as That nothing is impossible with You.There is hope within the fight In the wars that rage inside Though the shadows steal the light Your love.

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