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Writer's pictureTerry Davies

Around The World Today Series 3 Episode 2

Feb 2020 Around The World Today Series 3 Episode 2 By Terry D

All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall. Terry Talks about how People are different but even with being different there is so much that united us.


Ways to Listen


What is Easter

Easter, also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday, is a festival and holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day after his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary.

and yes to day in the country and western world most of turned away form attending church but I do so I was thinking as a Christian what Easter means for me it’s gods love for us Jesus knew that he was going to die tomorrow but like we’ve discussed in class he didn’t run from it He faced his passion headfirst and the only way to me that he could do that is through his love of God love of the father and love of humanity. then I started to think about the current lock down around the United Kingdom and my plans like meany have had to change and like is said meany have stooped attending church compered to 100 years ago but some people use the day to go and visit loved one and share a meal or even some take to going for a walk around the countryside or even taken that Easter getaway. so for me this Easter I will be praying at home and like meany others as you know we are untied in prayer and with modern communication platforms so it go me thinking that how we can still be with the people we love this Easter weekend even if not in person but with a scene of virtual presence via a skype call or Facetime.

now remembering that we do need to STAY AT HOME TO SAVE LIVES so maybe

this Easter but it does not mean that you can not see or speak to your loved ones so pick up the phone or laptop, or tablet and give them a call it seams that Zoom has be come the NEW MSN for those who can remember MSN and webcasting or the summer of 2005 back in the day. Now going back to day love you know that same love I was talking about that at the start that Jesus was shown From God but also what he showed to God and the love he had for human kind and what more of a time where we can start to understand some of that love for our fellow humans by following the advise and staying in there homes but then you have the awsome army of key workers from Doctors,nurses, other nhs Staff, lorry drivers, bus and train drivers and the whole logistics and transport industry as a whole, and not forgetting the Shop staff from food stores, post office and banks, civil servants,local councillor and Council Staff,fire fighter, Religious leaders, Volunteers and also our Armed Forces all working together to save life out of love for humanity and each other.


UK Government guidance

It's based on the Government guidance: Full Guidance on staying at home and away from others. Published 23 March 2020. 

Easy Read advice on self-isolating

Please pass this information on to everyone you know who is in contact with people with learning disabilities, or anyone who would prefer Easy Read information.

It's based on the Government guidance: Stay at home: guidance for people with confirmed or possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection. Published 12 March 2020. 



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