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Writer's pictureTerry Davies

Around The World Today Series 3 Episode 12

May 2020 Around The World Today Series 3 Episode 12 By Terry D

With in the United kingdom over the last few days there has been one story that has dominated the news cycles of all media outlets that has lead to death threats of religious leaders and even politicians and a government Staff member (Appointed by the PM as a Political Adviser) not a government minister (Elected Official) has to give a statement of his actions. So what am I talking about well Prime Minister Boris Johnsons Chief Adviser Dominic cummings on the and Braking the lockdown Rules now some are saying this is about left or Right or even Brexit and Remain but its not about that what it is really about is Right from Wrong was British people are asking was the lockdown one rule for us and then another rule for them or were we taken for fools.


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So over the last few episodes I have been highlighting some of the ups and downs of the United Kingdom Governments and even the US handling of Coved 19 and only yes I have options on Boris Johnson and even on party politics and how the party political system we have here in the united kingdom or even I could tell you how I have voted in the last elections and event eh referendum but its not the time to be Political or even right for me to tell you how I have used my vote has you know I am a tad old fashioned here and believe that a persons Vote is a private thing that is between them and the ballot box.

I can tell you that what we are about to talk about has no political spin or Marlyss in no way what so ever. But the handling of the last few days and finding out there is one rule for one and then another for everyone else well guess what there is nothing new here its being going on in human life since the year dot we just have to look in any religious text such has for me the bible that talks about injustices but the fact that most people in the united kingdom feel persecuted because the support a Prime Minister who is standing by his man who really in turn a undemocratically appointed person is quite arguably stupid firstly I like to take you back to 2016 eu referendum where Boris Jonson and Co and the Leave Camp said we had to leave the European Union because of its is undemocratic and you do not vote for the Government. Well first trying being Welsh or Scots or even Northern Irish right now in the United Kingdom. But then you have the fact that Dominic Cummings is a political appointe

But What has the last 72 hours proved who really has the power the Prime Minister or the Prime Ministers Special Adviser or even after 6 hours together talking about this they could not come up with a better excuse.

Now back to the Bishops and death threats well has most of you who have been tuning in to this podcast or even know me would know that first I attend Church and yea I love Jesus Christ and I like these Bishops I would Follow Jesus of a Cliff and again Like the Bishops of Newcastle and any other Bishop or religious person we are told in the bible first in we will look in The Old Testament I can tell you to go and look at the book of Exodus or the book of Leviticus, the book of Numbers, the book of Deuteronomy, or the Psalms that covers a whole range of effects that the human condition and the righteousness of God or how about the book of Jeremiah that illustrates the need to speak truth to power or we can look at the new testament and looking at the book James explains how deeds must accompany words; that favouritism is forbidden in leadership; that a focus upon developing good language and communication is essential for leadership; and how the wisdom that comes from God differs in substance and impact from earthly wisdom. Or the book of Revelation affirms the dominion of the kingdom of God above earthly empires; calls Christians to lead as well as serve; condemns those who have put their faith in money and power; and promises a conclusion in which justice is inescapable. It shows how redemption in Jesus Christ is not limited to any one area of the creation. Not only persons, but nations, kingdoms, the entire creation will be reconciled. And last but not leased the book of Jude attacks bad role models for leadership; and shows how when abused, authority can be abdicated.

But there again even if you are a non religious person should you not call out injustices or even bad leadership isn’t it’s the moral obligation of everyone not matter how you voted in 2016 or 2017, 2019 or what political leaning religion, sex, sexual orientation, efficacity to call out when you see something wrong and in this Case I have seen something wrong!

So in March 2020 the united Kingdom government went in to a lock down

March 23: Boris Johnson orders UK-wide coronavirus lockdown

March 27: 11:15am: Prime Minister Johnson - Mr Cummings' boss - announces he's been diagnosed with coronavirus

March 27: around an hour later: Mr Cummings is seen running out of Downing Street

March 30: Downing Street confirms Mr Cummings is self-isolating

March 31: Police made aware of Mr Cummings' trip

April 5: Mr Cummings is 'spotted in his father's garden'

April 5: Scotland's chief medical officer resigns after visiting her second home

Between around March 30 and April 6: Mr Cummings becomes very ill with coronavirus symptoms

Dominic Cummings' wife Mary Wakefield, editor of Tory magazine the Spectator, wrote an article, published on April 23, which revealed Mr Cummings had become very poorly.

Dominic Cummings' wife Mary Wakefield is editor of Tory magazine the Spectator. Credit: The Spectator

"Day in, day out for ten days he lay doggo with a high fever and spasms that made the muscles lump and twitch in his legs. He could breathe, but only in a limited, shallow way," she wrote.

She added: "The little oxygen reader we’d bought on Amazon indicated that he should be in hospital, but his lips weren’t blue and he could talk in full sentences."

April 12: Mr Cummings and wife make trip to Barnard Castle

April 14: Mr Cummings returns to work

April 19: Mr Cummings reportedly spotted again in Durham

May 4: Top government scientist resigns for flouting lockdown rules

May 13: Lockdown rules change in England

May 22: News breaks of Mr Cummings trip to Durham

May 23: Boris Johnson and ministers stick by Mr Cummings

May 24: PM holds press conference defending Mr Cummings but backbenchers call for resignation

May 25: Mr Cummings holds a very rare press conference

May 26: Scotland minister resigns over government response to Mr Cummings' trip.

Cummings Super Spreader:

  1. His wife became sick and he rushed home, but then left his home to return to work. Flaunted the STAY AT HOME rule.

  2. He then packed up his family and drove 260 miles to Durham County. Flaunted stay at home rule. Flaunted self isolate for 14 days rule.Became sick.

  3. Called paramedics to his home as he had suspected symptoms. Put the lives of the paramedics at risk. Potentially spread the virus through contact with the paramedics. At this time, it was not standard procedure to be wearing masks. Also there were issues around insufficient PPE.

  4. Wife and child went to the local hospital and stayed overnight. Again, another point of contact and the potential risk of cross contamination.

This family is what would be normally termed super spreaders. Some have spread the virus unintentionally and have later realised that they have infected others. They have been devastated.

This man has shown no regard or remorse for his actions. He should do the honourable thing and resign.

Thank you for this summary - and these are based only on the things Cummings chose to share. How many more contamination points were there?

Please super spread this post. People need to know how dangerous this man’s behaviour has been. Yet he regrets nothing!



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